Thursday, October 29, 2009

And P.S.

Originally uploaded by laura&watty
Now that it's OFFICIALLY winter, I have to bring a bag of warm clothes for the boat rides. Hats, wool sweaters and sneakers. Adios flats and tank tops - hello cold Maine weather.

Ferry Boat.

Originally uploaded by laura&watty
Sometimes I totally, totally HATE having to take a ferry when I want simple things like groceries and toilet paper. But sometimes, it's just plain amazing.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Back To NY

Tomorrow Lobsterman and I are getting on the morning ferry to drive down to CT and NYC for almost a week. A WEEK!?! I am so excited. On our to-do list is a wedding, heading into the city for a night of debauchery and getting a manicure. Or at least I'm getting a manicure. Be back next week!

Photos taken in the Bronx. a) White castle, b) Fordham Road, c) Friends.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Lobster Bake.

The first time I experienced a true lobster bake was this past summer. You dig a pit and start a fire and then pile heaps and heaps of seaweed right from the ocean on top. Then you put the lobsters on the hot seaweed and cover them up with piles and piles of more seaweed. The result? Extra salty lobsters - at least in my opinion.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy!

My articles are out for all to read. Check out this one and this one. But, ahem, most importantly, this one - so you can REALLY see what my summer has been like!